Real-World Evidence

Real-world evidence (RWE) and Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR) are two key tools in informing stakeholders such as regulatory agencies, healthcare providers, patients and care givers, payers, and policymakers about the effectiveness, safety and value of a therapy.

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Achieve Your Real-World Evidence Goals with Kaolel:

Curating the appropriate real-world data can be challenging. Moreover, it’s daunting designing an optimal study to generate the right evidence and gain valuable insights. 

Kaolel RWE solutions is three dimensional-we work with your own data source or use Kaolels housed public data or our network of external source data lakes with partner organizations. What is ideal for your business and evidence needs is key.

  • Real-World Evidence (RWE) Studies:
    • Observational Studies: Including cohort, case-control, and cross-sectional studies that offer insights into real-world patients and clinical characteristics, side effects, and long-term outcomes.
    • Disease or drug registries: Disease or therapeutic -specific databases designed for research on specific patient populations.
    • Patient-reported outcomes (PROs): Direct reports from patients about their health, quality of life, and treatment satisfaction.
  • Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR) Solutions:
    • Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA): Compares the relative costs and outcomes (effects) of two or more interventions.
    • Budget Impact Analysis (BIA): Estimates the financial impact of adopting a new intervention on a healthcare budget.
    • Cost-of-Illness Studies: Quantifies the economic impact of a specific disease, including both direct and indirect costs.
    • Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER): Compares the benefits and risks of different treatments to determine the most effective one.
  • Modeling and Simulation:
    • These techniques are often used to predict the long-term outcomes and economic impacts of different healthcare interventions. Examples include decision trees, Markov models, and microsimulations.
  • Value Frameworks:
    • Tools and metrics developed to evaluate and communicate the value of health interventions from a clinical, economic, and humanistic perspective.

Publication & Evidence Dissemination

  • Literature reviews include meta-analysis. 
  • Abstract, poster, manuscript development & support
  • Dossier writing & support.

Kaolel offers a platform for:

  • Integrated evidence generation
  • Using AI to unlock structured and unstructured data to transform outcomes.
  • Generating and utilizing RWE as a component to achieve regulatory approval.
  • Establishing and leveraging existing registries 
  • Utilizing RWE to pioneer and inform clinical trial design

Improving health outcomes with transformative real-world evidence